Mobile Device Management-MDM
Today, having oversight and control over mobile devices in your operations is more crucial than ever. Correct usage, security, and fast distribution determine the extent to which mobile devices can make your operations more efficient. A MDM solution ensures just this.
Idnet has close partnerships with SOTI and 42Gears, both leading manufacturers in the MDM sector. With their different components, nd our expertise, the functionality and security of mobile devices in your operations are optimized, while your company's network is protected. Examples of features include:
- Remote assistance (remote viewing, remote control, file synchronization, and two-way chat) quickly solves problems on the mobile device.
- "Kiosk mode" limits mobile devices to one or a small selection of applications, ensuring the device is used correctly.
- Automatic configuration of network connection guarantees that the user can always communicate safely regardless of their location.
- Monitor battery status.
- See the usage rate of devices and apps.
Our talented application consultants have extensive experience with MDM solutions and ensure that you receive all the help needed during installation, operation, and ongoing use.